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Teatro Danza
Episodio 23: Contrari
Marzo 8, 2016
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Mini Guida per interpretare meglio

Sul palco, si sa, può accadere qualunque cosa. Ho visto volatilizzarsi  nell’oblio della mente, intere sequenze delle coreografie di Tribal Belly Dance, come non fossero mai esistite. Chi  dimentica di entrare in scena al proprio turno, lasciando i compagni col dubbio su come coprire il buco. Chi lavora coi musicisti dal vivo e si trova un’intro completamente diversa su cui aveva studiato “un’entrata da favola”.

Ma come gestire queste sorprese? Certo, dipende da cosa accade esattamente, dal contesto e da un sacco di altri fattori.

Prima di tutto, però, possiamo lavorare sull’emotività per gestire l’imprevisto e l’ansia ch’esso ci provoca.

In questo appuntamento con la nostra Mini Guida in collaborazione con Indaco, l’insegnante di Teatro de LaDibi’s Online Academy, vediamo proprio come sviluppare delle reazioni intrepide, veloci, atte alla gestione di questi imprevisti e non solo.

L’esercizio serve, infatti, anche a “meccanizzare” l’espressività corporea attraverso l’emozione. La rapidità dell’esecuzione a mo’ di “botta e risposta”, non dà il tempo di razionalizzare la risposta, rendendola quindi più spontanea e personale. La ripetitività ci aiuta ad automatizzare la nostra espressività, capacità che aiuta ad esprimere Pathos nell’improvvisazione.

Pratica: in coppia.

Durata: a piacere. Si consigliano 3 minuti circa, ad ogni sessione per cominciare. In seguito, si possono svolgere sessioni più lunghe.

Livello: open. Adatto a tutti i livelli, appassionate di danza e professioniste. Con esperienza e senza. Soliste e per tutti i componenti della compagnia tutta. Ideale per gli appassionati di danza, ogni stile, compresi Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, ATS (American Tribal Style). Ottimo per chi studia i balli sociali. Dal Latino Americano e Caraibici fino allo Swing, Lindy Hop, Balboa ecc. inclusi.


  • Conoscere profondamente noi stessi, attraverso le nostre reazioni inconsce.
  • Maggior perspicacia nel capire se, e quali problemi ci sono durante l’esibizione.
  • Tempi di reazione più veloci per la gestione dell’imprevisto sul palco.
  • Aumento delle proprie capacità espressive.
  • Comunicazione delle emozioni più diretta e chiara.
  • Ci si sente a proprio agio nell’esternare le emozioni, senza paura.
  • Maggior sintonia nel rapporto di coppia e con il resto della compagnia.

Come si svolge?

In coppia, uno di fronte all’altro per non perdere il contatto visivo. A seguire, se ci sono più persone, ed è comunque consigliato per meglio capire la tecnica, si cambia partner.

Senza musica e senza parlare, per concentrarsi a pieno sulla sfera emotiva. A turno, si improvvisa, utilizzando tutto il corpo.

Il primo compie un’azione che esprima un sentimento. Il secondo, senza pensare e senza aspettare, dovrà esprimere il sentimento opposto.


L’aver consolidato prima, gli esercizi spiegati nella Mini Guida all’interpretazione , con la stessa successione in cui li trovate, vi aiuterà nella pratica di questo esercizio.


  1. Non esiste IO, esiste NOI.
  2. Siamo l’uno, parte dell’altro.
  3. Non toccare il viso del compagno.
  4. Non toccare le parti intime del compagno.
  5. Non farlo cadere.
  6. Non perdere mai il contatto visivo con il compagno.

NO passi di danza, né elementi tecnici in genere, di nessuno stile.

NO coreografie, né brevi combinazioni.

SI movimento puro e semplice, fatto liberamente.

SI usare i propri strumenti per creare dei movimenti, quali le proprie caratteristiche funzionali, ad esempio.

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Fusion Dance Festival 4 | LaDibi Blog Fusion Dance Festival 4 | LaDibi Blog

Fusion Dance Festival 4

The Fusion Dance Festival, in your view

You never forget your first time, right?

I did not know how it would go. I was hoping maybe there’d be second time, but a third one, was not even considered in my mind. Imagine a fourth!
I thought it’d be more like the Love of a summer romance. The kind that, at best, leaves you a good memory to hold in your mind on the rainy days. And then, on sunny days, you might realize that it did not really go exactly as you remember, but it went well anyway.

The fact is that, since the First Fusion Dance Festival Edition, I’ve found wonderful people who come back year after year, because of the Love we share. Also then, each time, there are new people, in whose eyes I can see the emotions of my First Time. So I keep getting excited, every Time, like the First!

The way people meet thanks to the Fusion Dance Festival, and they decide to do their best to feel good together, is really meaningful to me. I always have the impression of witnessing a great magic.
In a corrupted world, broken by ourselves, the Fusion Dance Festival is the place where I always feel that Time stops. We gather to admire the great example of the Spirit of Collaboration, Tolerance and Love to which, until now, I’ve had the Great Honor to assist, every time.

My students always teach me so much and they are for me a great source of inspiration. I could not cross half the world, if it were not so.

Can you choose how to be together?

I think so.

Perhaps, during PMS week it’s more difficult. Mood swings, bad days, the famous elbow that makes contact with the hip, and an array of bad luck… but on the whole, we can do it. At least, until now, at the Fusion Dance Festival, we did!

And if you are reading, if you have also participated in one edition only, know that it is all because of you! So my most sincere thank you, goes to you!

To you, who have traveled for hours, from one country to another by planes and trains or for a few steps, I want to Thank You!

To you, who have chosen to spend your precious time with us, taking away the invaluable time from your beloved ones to discover new ones, I want to Thank You!

To you who have chosen to open Your Heart and share Your Love, savoring our fantastic differences, I want to Thank You!

And it is to you that I give the floor, reporting here, your messages of Love, so that they can inspire other wonderful people, as you have inspired me.

Thanks to all the teachers and all the people who made this event so incisive for my personal journey. Great power and wonderful attitude have invaded my person. I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to meet many of you on my journey. Love ‘n’ devotion 🙂

Beautiful day in your company … thanks Alessandra Dibitetto (LaDibi) that you always give us so much fortitude and positive energy … it is indescribable what I feel … Thanks to all of you for this fantastic day …

… ohhhhh … finally I have two minutes to say what that Sunday among you has given to me.
As soon as I entered the room I felt at home … I began slowly to recognize the faces of those I had met in previous years … and that quiet voice of those who exchanged friendly greetings…
… but I was looking for our teacher …
ALE (LaDibi)… then at some point you appeared as if from nowhere … with the lightness that distinguishes you and the room is lit even more ….. in an atmosphere of almost sacredness .. in a succession of looks and crossed smiles of people who felt part of a whole … of a common vision of life …
When the whole thing merged into the final hafla of all our teachers and our Alessandra (LaDibi), all the joy had expanded like a Big Bang.
… and this joy … this serenity remained in me as a moment of extreme sisterhood and brotherhood, for all the present, which made me have a vision of how humanity should be without differences and without prevarication .
So thank you!
Thanks to you Alessandra Dibitetto (LaDibi) for making me feel at home … for having welcomed me in your and long-awaited annual hug.
And again … a big thank you to all the teachers and to the one and only Luka.
I hope to see you again next year.
A big hug to all

What a happiness to have been here again with such good teachers, good people, good energy and….LaDibi 😍.See you next year Torino , Thanks!!!😘# 4 TRIBAL FUSION FESTIVAL DI TORINO

It was a fantastic experience … wonderful teachers … positive energy that reaches the soul … thank you all … LaDibi is great.

My first time at Fusion Dance Festival and it was love at first sight! Wonderful teachers, people full of enthusiasm and right energy in a comfortable environment. Thanks LaDibi for making this magic that moved me deeply !!💞

So … Let me tell you my impressions! I brought my little girls, between me and the dance there is a reinforced concrete wall (because I’m loose like that cement) But …. I arrived and I breathed something magical! I saw everyone very serious and focused on arrival, intent on changing clothes as I never seen before.
I left my daughters there, certain it would be a unique experience!
I went back to get them and a rainbow of joy was already coming up the stairs! I saw eyes full of light and happiness!
It was really nice to watch you!
Bravo, really good everyone!
Life was spilling out of your faces!
Who knows, if the next time you need a broom stick between you, maybe I’ll throw myself in too ❤️
Greetings to all from Gloria (more serious and less involved) and especially from Gaia, the smallest, happy as an Easter thanks to all of you❤️

🌺 Everything happened naturally, because you and your colleagues have found the right way to make it emerge ❗❗⭐ a little kiss Consuelito.

🌺 ¡ Todo sucedió naturalmente, porque usted y sus colegas han encontrado la manera correcta de hacerla emerger❗❗⭐un besito Consuelito.